When life hands you lemons
Make Lemonade
Or so they say
But I have never seen lemonade
Listed as a recommended substitute
“In this life you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world.”
This world and the part we play in it is beautiful. Yes, there is brokenness, but I want to look for the beauty of our redemption in it. The Lord has made all things new, even as He is in the process of making us new.
Join me in looking for the beauty in life through thoughts and poems. I am so glad you are here.
When life hands you lemons
Make Lemonade
Or so they say
But I have never seen lemonade
Listed as a recommended substitute
We can be strong like statues
That can crush and shatter
Or we can be strong like a tree
You are not forgotten
you are hidden
Not trapped
but kept
We can’t know where the road will go. Only God can. He is all knowing. And we are not.
I am learning that relationship grows on the other side of
I don’t want to bother
I don’t want to overstep
I don’t want to inconvenience
The Lord is not impressed by our productivity. He is perfectly content with all the things we do not accomplish, because He already accomplished it all. Nothing we produce or earn is done in our own strength. There are times when just working harder will not produce the results that we want. And that is grace. To remind us that we are not in control.
Just the other week I sat with my 3 kids at the park. Almost simultaneously, I heard them shout out “Mom, watch this!” rom 3 different directions. Each child wanted to share what they were doing with me. They wanted to feel seen and celebrated. Every slide, every climb, every race.
As we say goodbye and leave the place that has been our home for so long, I am struck by the beauty of staying. An interesting observation by someone who I leaving, I am sure.
Even though life was stolen
Before it was even experienced
And all you feel left with
Are dreams that feel like memorials
The chores are delayed as they wait to see if either of the girl will walk past the doorway “regularly”. Each time of the girl passes the opening she is walking differently. Hopping, skipping, back wards, sideways, crab walk, etc. After while the parents even try imitating the different dances that the girls do unknowingly.