Photo by Clark Young via Unsplash
We can all agree that the comparison game is strong. How can it not be with all the access we have to some many people doing so many things? In our world today we see all. Or at least all that people are willing to put out there for us. Which is no doubt, a lot of the good stuff.
The other day I was in the car listening to a song my husband put on for me. It was so good! Like really good. A super talented husband and wife duo singing their hearts out. What’s not to love right? But instead of tapping my toes along and playing it on repeat to learn all the words, I felt a cloud start to gather in my mind. Instead of singing along, my brain started down that rabbit trail of thoughts and emotions.
He looked over for my reaction and asked, a little surprised, “Why do you seem sad?”
Because the comparison game had begun in my brain.
Instead of enjoying the lovely music shared by the couple, I began to wonder why I couldn’t sound like that.
What if I had tried harder?
Why do some people have so much talent?
What am I talented in?
I will never sound like that.
I wish I could sing together with my husband like that. I am sure her husband is so proud of her.
That feeling was awful. It was stealing my joy.
All from a song. A song meant to inspire and bring joy. And I was letting it rob me. I was letting it define me. As a failure. As some with no value because I felt I had nothing to share. Nothing to be known for.
What a tragedy. That I often allow what was meant for beauty to bring darkness. That instead of celebrating the talents and skills of others, I make it all about myself.
God created us all in His image. He gave us strengths and joys and abilities to foster for His glory. He made us all to have an active role in the world He created. But for some that looks different than others.
I read a quote once that really stuck with me. Although I can’t remember the source, or even the exact wording, I remember the truth.
What a tragedy to resent the beauty of others talents, when we can be enjoying and participating in it ourselves.
We were made to live in community. To experience what each other have to offer. To encourage it, and find joy in it. Not to resent it or copy it. Not to selfishly wish to steal it from them. But to champion.
So in those moments of resentfulness, I challenge you to find enjoyment. To appreciate things for what they are, a gift to be savored.
In moments of self loathing, look to the skills and beauties of others. Because rarely are they shared to make you feel less. More often than not they are shared to bring life.
See them for what they are, yet another reflection of God’s creativity gifted to creation.
Whether it be songs, or art, or beautifully decorated houses. Whether it be pretty fashion and make up pictures, or exciting adventures. Let us be happy for those who experience them and delight in the fact that they share it. Let us look for ways to share beauty and truth that builds up others as well, not just our own brand or kingdom.