
“In this life you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world.”

This world and the part we play in it is beautiful. Yes, there is brokenness, but I want to look for the beauty of our redemption in it. The Lord has made all things new, even as He is in the process of making us new.

Join me in looking for the beauty in life through thoughts and poems. I am so glad you are here.

Overstimulation in Isolation

Overstimulation in Isolation

A beautiful thing about shelter in place, for us non-essential workers, is space. Space to breathe and think. A little less rush because your commute is shorter. More time in the evening because all the activities are cancelled.

Space can lend time to create. And in that we have seen a huge increase in content that is being created. Which is awesome! What a great outlet to process and influence in a time of stress and chaos.

But this has added another mental stressor to many. It is greatly decreasing the space that we gained in this season. The surplus creates a need to consume. Consume all the content.  Watch all the news. Read all the blogs. Watch all the live streams. View all the content.

Much of what is being put out there, aside from the news and politics of it all, is well meaning.  Meant to uplift and encourage, even call to action. 

And yet…

Even too much of a good thing can have negative effects.

The availability of good content to consume does not necessarily benefit anyone if it does not lead to heart change. There is little benefit if we are not compelled to put it to action. James calls us to not just be hearers of the word, but doers. And maybe some of what we are hearing, can change to doing sooner rather than later. But there is a real risk that we can inadvertently fall into consumption for the sake of consumption, or even for the sake of entertainment. 

I am prone to want to ingest it all. I am also prone to simply accepting it all without analysis.  Without bringing it to scripture for confirmation. Beautiful deceiving words can feel so true to our heart that is not operating in discernement through the Spirit.

So are we meant to be twiddling our thumbs in isolation until this all blows over? Absolutely not.  We are meant in all seasons to be pursuing the Lord and righteousness. We are always called to serve one another in community. There is no exemption in scripture for “Shelter in Place”. In reality, Paul wrote most of his letters while in the isolation of prison. 

We are meant to be actively pursuing the Lord and others during any season, including this one.  But let us be discerning about how we pursue Him.  

What is our primary source? The Word, or the words of others. Take this opportunity to spend more time in the actual scripture. Getting to know the direct Words that God gave us.  

And do not neglect the teaching of others. God gave many the gift of shepherding and teaching for a reason. But prioritize the teaching of your Church body. Prioritize watching your church service on Sundays. Engaging in a community group virtually within your own body of believers. Trust the leaders of your church to handle the Word of God with integrity.  They are the ones who are investing in you and praying for you.

Also a practical way to be a doer in this season is to pray the truths of scripture and to practice repentance.  

If you are experiencing anything like I am, this unexpected interruption to normal life has brought up lots of angst and negative feelings/reactions which reveals lots of sin in my heart.  Idols that I have been hanging on to. Rights I have thought that I am entitled to. Selfishness in wanting my own way. Materialism and the need to distract myself from what is really going on in my heart. Lack of patience. So much more.

There is freedom and intimacy that comes from the letting go and laying down of sin that creates distance between us and the Lord. We can consume and consume as a way to propel us closer to the Lord. Or we can put down the things that are entangling us and let Him draw us back to Him.

There is benefit to trusted sources of teaching and encouragement. But in my own life, I want to turn from a dependence on outside teaching and grow in reliance on the Word of God interpreted by the Holy Spirit. I want to grow in discernment regarding what voices I let speak into my life in regards to the Truth of God.

As we study the scripture, we can work through questions with those around us. We can look to fellow believers that we are in relationship for insight as we grapple with handling of the Word. We are meant to grow in our understanding in community with those in our lives. Not necessarily those on a. screen or in our ear.

God is living and active. He is revealing himself to us through His Word and through the Holy Spirit.  Let us grow in confidence. He wants to reveal Himself to us. And if it feels we need to go somewhere else, or listen to all these people that seem to be seeing Him more clearly than we are, let us ask the Lord why that is. Are we not recognizing His voice. Have we let voices into our life that are not leading us toward Him. Or is there sin that is getting in the way of us experiencing what He is doing and saying in our lives.

Because in isolation we can experience an incredibly intimate relationship with the Lord.  And can propel us into deeper, more securely rooted relationships with others. 

Tears that bring life

Tears that bring life

Thursday before Friday

Thursday before Friday