
“In this life you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world.”

This world and the part we play in it is beautiful. Yes, there is brokenness, but I want to look for the beauty of our redemption in it. The Lord has made all things new, even as He is in the process of making us new.

Join me in looking for the beauty in life through thoughts and poems. I am so glad you are here.

When our prayers are answered

Lent is upon us. The season of preparation for our Easter celebration. Our Women’s Biblestudy just ended on Ash Wednesday leaving me without a specific study to be spending my time on, which seems like a perfect segue into  the season of Lent. Since I am not in a season of life where I find myself able to plan ahead much, I decided to read through a Gospel (or 2 depending on how quickly I read during the next 40 days). I landed on Luke, much because it’s the Gospel I have read through the least recently.

Luke starts with the Gabriel proclaiming the brith of John to Zechariah. I didn’t get to the next section where Gabriel also goes to Mary to share even more astonishing news.

The differences between Zechariah and Mary’s responses has always fascinated me. They are so similar, yet so different.

Zechariah asks “How can this be?” Filled with doubt and skepticism. Mary asks “How can this be?” In awe and humllity.

Today I had to stop at Zecharaih’s response, because it felt so relatable. Mary had never in her wildest dreams thought to pray that she would be the mother of the messiah. This development would be inconvenient and bring much outward shame on her. Yet she received it with humility and praised the Lord!

Not so with Zechariah. It could be assumed that he and Elizabeth had prayed often for a child. To be childless was a point of shame. To have a child would not only be a blessing and an answer to prayer, but a removal of the social stigma of the day.

Decades of prayer was now finally being answered with a “Yes!” Not just for a child, but for a child that would prepare the way for the coming Messiah from their very own family. And yet, his response is not gratitude and worship, but doubt and skepticism.

How many times has God answered my own prayers? Yet, I still walk around anxious and worried and preoccupied. He has ever been proven unfaithful? Has He ever let me down? Not ever.

I still wring my hands and worry that this time He will forget. That this time my lack will overcome His faithfulness. That this time He will show up too little too late.

We pray and we doubt. God answers and we so easily forget. Instead of praising Him, we ask “but what if?’ And “are you sure?” And “how do I know?”

There were consequences for Zechariah’s disbelief. He was unable to speak again until the promise was fulfilled. He named his son John (though pen and paper), and he voice was restored. Yet, his silence was used to draw attention to the very miracle that Zechariah doubted. His silence spoke loudly the of his confrontation with the Lord. And His voice returned proclaimed immediately the goodness and faithfulness of God.

When at one time he doubted, now he testified loudly and boldly about what God had done for Him.

Yes, there will be times when our own sin, doubt, and fear will lead to consequences and discipline. But it will not nullify the faithfulness of God. We will experience hardship when we choose sin, yet even these consequences will be redeemed to bring God glory in the end. What generosity does God display for us!

So today I repent of my lack of hope and trust. I cling to the character of God who is faithful to hear our prayers and answer. Who is faithful when I am faithless. And whose goodness will never be nullified by my own sin and doubt.

I will look for opportunities to hope and to proclaim God’s faithfulness even when I cannot fathom a way. All for His glory.

Lord, forgive me for not wanting to need your miraculous provision. Forgive me for wanting to provide for myself. Help me to acknowledge your generous answers to prayer and run to testify of your faithfulness in every situation.
