So I have been thinking a lot lately about labels. Things that help you quickly characterize people. Things that make you feel like you know them, even if you don’t. It is astonishing to me how completely accurate and very off they can be at the same time. How they tell you everything about someone and nothing at all. So here is me in labels. Hopefully this will give you a place to start. A peak into my life. But here is to getting deeper.
My life in labels:
Twenty (almost 30!) something woman
Newlywed to my best friend
Interracial couple
Follower of Jesus
Dog Mom
Coffee Drinker (learning to drink tea)
Fitness enthusiast
Majored in nutrition (with a freezer fully stocked with frozen pizza and ice cream)
Book Lover
Small town girl (with a love of visiting the city)
Former Missionary
Ministry wife
Morning person
Shower singer
Crime show addict
Beach enthusiast
Closet goofball
Oldest child
INTJ (for all you Myers Briggs fans)
The list could go on and on. I am sure my husband and friends could add to the list, but some of those may be embarrassing so we will just leave it at that. There is more to the story, but that is a good start.