
“In this life you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world.”

This world and the part we play in it is beautiful. Yes, there is brokenness, but I want to look for the beauty of our redemption in it. The Lord has made all things new, even as He is in the process of making us new.

Join me in looking for the beauty in life through thoughts and poems. I am so glad you are here.

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has finally come!  This week marks the official spring season, and I think my body knew it.  We have a theory around our house that your mind and body are more privy to some things than our conscious self is.  Winters are made for hibernating.  Staying in, conserving energy, and resting.  No matter how much Vitamin D supplements you take, your body knows… It’s winter.  Time to lay low.  Don’t fight the natural rhythms.  Just as God gave us night time to force us to rest, I think in some ways he gave us winter to slow down and recoup from the activity of summer.  

But in the same way, our body knows when it’s spring.  We no longer can veg on the couch for hours.  Something just changes and we want to be doing something.  To be outside and be active. In our house there is an evident change in our mood and activity level.

Spring is finally here and the calendar finally agrees with my internal clock.  I am ready to get outside.  Ready to walk the dogs, wear sandals, and just sit outside in the fresh air.

Where I live the weather is still being a little stubborn, but you can feel the grip of winter receding.

The sunshine feels different.  The brown grass and trees feel like they are brightening.  People just seem a little more upbeat.  

They way that the world works is just astounding to me.  God has such a perfect plan, and it is evident in the natural rhythms of nature.  

Daytime is for work and play.  There are 12 hours a day to do all the things we need to survive and thrive.  Then night falls, and we are forced to slow down.  Why?  We need to be reminded to rest. Because we can’t do everything.  We are limited.  

So night falls.  Because sometimes we forget that we are only human.  We think we can do it all and have it all.  So God in His infinite mercy forces us to slow down.  He gifts us with night and sleep to keep us from running ourselves into the ground and trying to do His job.  

In the same way the seasons are part of His plan.  Spring is new growth.  A time of preparation.  Then summer and fall are for Harvest.  To provide for our survival through food and work.  

And then comes winter.  A time to enjoy the fruit of the harvest and to rest from the hard physical labor of summer and fall.  To rest from the work and also to rest for the work we will do again.

Then Spring comes again and we are rested.  Joyous to be done with the gloom of winter.

Everything has a season.  Everything has a purpose.  God in His infinite mercy prepares us for what is to come.  

The earth gives in to His plan.  It naturally succumbs to the ebb and flow of His purpose.  It does not fight the plan, or question God’s wisdom and logic in it.  It just trusts the process.

We should take that into consideration.  God is in control.  He knows what we need and He provides.  He guides us into whatever different seasons we will face.

If we are seeking Him and learning His Word, we will be prepared.  

Study Him and learn His faithfulness.  Know His character in the midst of life’s winters.  Because even as we fight His plan on many occasions, manipulating our own outcome, the season testify to His faithfulness.  Winter always gives way to spring.  Harvest always comes.  We are always given the rest we need for the work we must do.  

Spring is finally here.  Do not dwell in winter, when God wants to bring you into Spring.

Enough for Today

The Not So Fancy Dinner Party