
β€œIn this life you will have trouble, but fear not, I have overcome the world.”

This world and the part we play in it is beautiful. Yes, there is brokenness, but I want to look for the beauty of our redemption in it. The Lord has made all things new, even as He is in the process of making us new.

Join me in looking for the beauty in life through thoughts and poems. I am so glad you are here.

Here is to the Twenty Somethings

Your twenties are a crazy season.  You go from a kid to an actual adult.  From college to the working world.  From curfews to owning homes.  The twenties are easily one of the most ecclectic decades of your life.  Its a decade of in betweens, almost, and not quites.  

Your twenties is all about figuring life out for yourself.  Which can be pretty awesome and truly overwhelming at the same time.  There is a lot going on, not only in your schedule, but in your brain.  

One of the most beautiful things about your twenties is your freedom.  Some might not feel free with all the demands on your time and energy.  But for the most part this is your time to figure out how you want your life to look.  To build a foundation that will take you into the coming decades.  In the following days I want to share different ways to help you thrive in this season.

There is one thing that stands above the rest.  It is the key really.  So many times I have heard people say, "I'll settle down when I am older.  Then I will get straight with God.  But right now I just want to enjoy my twenties."

Maybe you were raised in the church and still think of it as your parents religion.  Maybe you only see God as a serious old man with lots of rules.  Maybe there is too much at stake right now as you build your future and you are not ready to let anyone else be in control.  

But I urge you, do not wait.  Do not let this season pass you by.  Spend this season not only planning your life, but developing a deep relationship with Christ.  This unique season is beautifully ideal for cultivating a genuine, life changing relationship with the Lord.

A story was relayed to me once of a young couple who had just had their first child.  Only being home for a few days, they were all adjusting to being a family of 3.  The young husband looked over at his wife holding their beautiful new born baby, and with tears on his cheeks he said, "I miss you."  

He did not regret his baby.  They both loved her deeply and had desired to be parents, but life changes.  They have to adjust to a new dynamic.  A beautiful new life is asking for his attention, interrupting your conversations, and needing your care.  They can no longer solely focus on each other.  This change is a beautiful and necessary thing.  But the transition isn't always easy.  They longed for the one-on-one time they were used to, even as they cherish their new family.

This story really connected some dots for me.  Committing your life to Christ begins a relationship.  The relationship requires spending time together and getting to know each other.  Learning about each other and communicating increasingly intimate things.  The Bible calls believers (or the Church as a whole) the Bride of Christ.  He treats us as a bride, both corporately and individually. Your twenties is a unique season in which you have a lot of freedom to devote intentional time to getting to know your Savior.  For many,  it is a time without a husband or children to care for.  Those future seasons will help you know God and trust Him in whole new ways, but a firm foundation to start out with is a beautiful gift.  Marriage, children, a highly demanding job, or even responsibilities to care for family members are all important responsibilities that require a lot of time and attention.  God will see you through those seasons and grow your faith. But you will no longer just be able to sit with Him whenever you want without other obligations.  Or drop everything and go to the ends of the earth at a moments notice.  It will no longer be just You and God.  Cherish those seasons as they prepare you for seasons to come.  

That is why pursuing God in your twenties is such a beautiful thing.  Do not miss it!  It is one of the few times in your life that you will have total freedom to just sit with God and drink Him in.  You can go wherever He asks.  You can take crazy steps of faith.  You can take a year to do missions.  You can stay out sharing the Gospel with a coworker until all hours of the evening without restriction.  

The earlier in life you choose to passionately pursue Christ, the deeper and more solid of a foundation you will build.  The earlier you allow Him to be in control, the more stories of His faithfulness you will have to share.  You will never regret moments of pursuit of the One who earnestly pursued you. 

So many of us fret about the future.  About missing out and wasting precious time.  About missing that perfect job.  Or waiting for the "One".  But we push off the One who pursued our hearts with such apathy.  I don't have time for God, I am waiting for the "One".  And having a good time until then.

Pursue Him now.  He pursued us from the beginning.  He chased us into the pit of death and dragged us out.  He came to earth desperately desiring to know us.  To be with us forever.  He didn't wait.  He came.  He died in our place, and took the punishment for our sins.  He loves us still, and is calling us to Him. We are not promised a degree and a good job.  We are not promised a family.  We are not promised old age or even tomorrow.  Do not wait.  Do not miss out.

So use this season to really spend time getting to know Him, Christ.  Our Savior, and Redeemer.  Life will continue to add more responsibilities and distractions.  There will always be more chaos.  There will always be more commitments.  More blessings. Many would say that your twenties are not actually the best years of your life.  Building a foundation with Christ now will catapult you into a life time of adventure walking with Him through all the unexpected and beautiful that life brings.

But know Him now.  The one who gave us it all.  What are you waiting for?  Don't taste His beauty and grace, and leave yourself saying "I wish I had known then what I know now."

Making the Most of your Twenties Pt. 2

Quiet Freedom